UN mandate for USA in Iraq expire January1! Is it too late for McCain with Napoleon Style Victory
Released on: June 30, 2008, 9:40 am
Press Release Author: Stream Information Brokers
Industry: Government
Press Release Summary: Current Republican US Administration and State Department are forgotten to tell American Voters,that UN mandate on presence US troops in Iraq expires in December2008! Secret Negotiations with Iraq on long term American Military Bases.
Press Release Body: Stream Information Brokers(Washington,DC June30,2008) Independent World Political Experts and Observers are very surprised to hear Long Term Plans of both US Presidential Nominees on American military presence in Iraq! What kind of Senators and Foreign Policy,Natonal Security Experts are they? Did they know that USA had invited UN to handle Everything in Iraq and received short term UN mandate on presence US troops in Iraq? Did they know,that UN mandate expires in December2008 and under International Laws further presence US troops in Iraq is not permitted! Nobody invites USA to stay in Iraq! According to International Laws Current Republican US Administration and State Department have to start now in summer the official organized withdraw or evacuation All US troops,equipment and Liquidation All American Military Bases to finish before December 31,2008! Breaking News for American Voters. Current Republican US Administration and State Department are hiding from Americans on last pages of newspapers and media their Negotiations with Iraq government on the American Military Bases number, status other details of 100 year American military presence in this country! Did American Voters ask US Administration to do negotiations for long term American Military Bases? Did US Taxpayers agree to pay for War in Iraq? Where is Referendum and Vote on continue or not War in Iraq? Did US Taxpayers ask US congress to approve War appropriation Bill? To the Total Shame of Current Republican US Administration and State Department with policies on 50 years presence in South Korea, this long term country USA ally had banned import on all american beef. South Korea sample shows, that 50 years Military presence is most Expensive and Totally wrong way to support alliances and protect USA National Interests! Who told US Administration,Exxon,Chevron,BP, Texaco, ConocoPhilips about possibility of control and manipulation the level of Oil Production, import and World Oil Prices in Free,sovereign and independent Iraq by 50 years Military presence? To information of American Voters any negotiated now agreements by Current Republican US Administration will be here to stay for number of years during New US Administration. And it would be no matter on Democrat or Republican will be in White House in January 21,2009! Who have said,that Oil will be Cheaper? Who have said US gasoline will be cheaper? Who have said to ,that American Voters,that any Amounts of squeezed from Iraq oil will reach US refineries? US Administration,Exxon,Chevron,BP, Texaco, ConocoPhilips are silent on those and many other questions. Nobody should trust those companies! US Administration promissed to American Voters in 2003,that Trillions Dollars on War and Help for Iraq will be compensated,paid back by Iraq from Oil Revenues! Stream Information Brokers company is in business to provide small and middle size businesses also individuals with affordable #1 Best Marketing ,Advertising and Management problem solving complete solutions and stand alone campaigns. We are the Major Providers of Always Best Money Making Info! ###
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